Autor/es: Juan P. R. Bouvet
Publicación del INTA, contiene fichas de los insectos que atacan a eucaliptos con imágenes para su reconocimiento.
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“FSC Guide To integrated pest, disease and weed management in FSC certified forests and plantations” [en inglés]
Autor/es: Willoughby, Wilcken, Ivey, O’Grady & Katto
This guide provides a generic framework for Integrated Pest, Disease and Weed Management (IPM) on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified estates, which may include indigenous forests and plantations.
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"Biblioteca virtual Sanidad Forestal - CONAF"
Autor/es: VariosPara acceder al sitio: Click Aqui
"Forest Nursery Pests (2012)" [en inglés]
Autor/es: Varios
This handbook was prepared by a team of research scientist and pest management specialists who are experts in the field of identifying and controlling the pests of forest tree nurseries. This is a revision of Forest Nursery Pests, Agriculture Handbook No. 680, that was issued in December 1989.
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"Guide to the classical biological control of insect pests in planted and natural forests" (2019)
Autor/es: Kenis, M.; Hurley, B.P.; Colombari, F.; Lawson, S.; Sun, J.; Wilcken, C.;
Weeks, R. and Sathyapala, S. [FAO Forestry Paper No. 182. Rome, FAO]
Insect pests damage millions of hectares of forest worldwide each year. Moreover, the extent of such damage is increasing as international trade grows, facilitating the spread of insect pests, and as the impacts of climate change become more evident. Globally, and especially in developing economies, outbreaks of forest pests can have major consequences for the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities. FAO views the threat posed by forest insect pests very seriously. Pest management is an important element of Sustainable Development Goal 15 (“Life on Land”), especially target 15.8: “By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species”. FAO’s ongoing programme on integrated pest management supports the achievement of this target, including through classical biological control.
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"Serie técnica Manejo Integrado de Plagas"
Autor/es: Varios
La serie técnica: “Manejo Integrado de Plagas Forestales” tiene por objetivo proveer a productores y profesionales información científico-técnica actualizada sobre el manejo integrado de plagas asociadas a la actividad forestal.
Están disponibles más de 10 cuadernillos técnicos.
"Plagas y enfermedades de Pinus sp. de la región Andino Patagónica de Argentina". AÑo 2010
Autor/es: Gómez, C; Greslebin, A. & Rajchenberg, M"Guia fitosanitaria para viveros forestales. Prevención, identificación y control de las enfermedades y plagas más comunes en viveros de eucalipto".
Autor/es: Maria de los Ángeles García y Sergio Ramos (INTA Concordia)